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Meet our members

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Seoyeon LEE (Scarlett)

😎 Senior 😎

Hi! My name is Seoyeon, and I go by Scarlett. I am a senior now, and I am one of the leaders of H2O for the school year 2024-2025. This is my third year being part of this club, and I initially joined because I enjoy chemistry, biology, and conducting scientific experiments. H2O club helps me achieve those interests by giving me an opportunity to actually try out experiments related to those fields, as well as writing research articles and lab reports that can be used to further analyze the experiments that we have done. I hope to make many more memories in this club and widen my knowledge of science!

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Jiwoo LEE

☁️ Senior ☁️

Hi! My name is Jiwoo, and I am one of the leaders of H2O Science Club 24-25. 

I am currently a senior, and this is my second year sharing valuable experiences with amazing members. In addition to conducting intense researches and experiments, I hope I can provide members opportunities to investigate their genuine passion toward science. My favorite fields of science are computer science and physics since they simplify real world into a system of algorithms. 

I hope to share my interests and widen knowledge by cooperating and spending meaningful time with our members this year in H2O Club!


Kyungmin LEE

🎲 Senior 🎲

Hello, my name is Kyungmin, the leader of H2O Science Club 2024-25! As a scientific enthusiast, I am eager to delve into the vast and dynamic world and broader realm of science that shapes our daily lives. This club offers a unique environment where students can immerse themselves in the scientific field. By fostering curiosity and experimentation, we aim to push the boundaries of traditional scientific understanding. As both a member and leader of the H2O Science Club, I am excited to guide our group through this exploration and look forward to exploring the wide field of science. 


Minjae KIM

🎻 Senior 🎻

Hello, my name is Minjae Kim, and I am currently a senior. My favorite field of science is chemistry because viewing things in a molecular perspective was very interesting to me. For this club year, I want to expand my knowledge about science and make memorable experiences with members. Thanks. 

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Jiwon YOU

🌷 Senior 🌷

Hi, my name is Jiwon, and I am currently in Senior this school year at St. Paul. Science always makes me curious and excited. Biology and chemistry are my two favorite subjects, and I’m really passionate about exploring the field of science more deeply. I can’t wait for the various experiments we will do in this fantastic H2O club!

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Jeongrak Song

🥲 Senior 🥲

Hello, my name is Jeongrak Song, and I am currently a senior. I like to eat, exercise, and sleep. My favorite field of science is physics because it is the only one that I have studied. I joined this club mostly to get into a good college and to do fun experiments.

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Youbin BAE

🐈 Junior 🐈

My name is Youbin. I’m currently a junior. I like Chemistry the most in the science field, and I want to experience many experiments and information in this club.

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Sojin PARK

👍 Junior 👍

Hello, I'm Sojin in 11th grade. I am interested in the science club and want to participate in this activity. My goals in H2O are to have good memories and achievements here. I also believe that this club will be useful for my future. Thank you, I want to be a good student.

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Yejoon CHO

💀 Junior 💀

Hello everyone, my name is Yejoon CHO, and I am currently in grade 11. I decided to join this club because I like science, especially chemistry. I like chemistry because learning about tiny atoms that form the universe is cool and interesting. I am looking forward to participating in projects and research!

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🧐 Junior 🧐

Hello, my name is Yun Gu and I’m a Junior this year. This is my first year joining H2O Club, and I am excited to learn more deeply about science and conduct some experiments with some new people. My favorite field of science is chemistry because it was interesting how elements combine together to form a new element. I am looking forward to a great year at this club!

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Yeju LEE

🐿️ Junior 🐿️

Hello, my name is Yeju and I’m a junior at SPASH. This is my first year in H2O and I’m here because I got really interested in learning the field of science, especially chemistry. I look forward to the experience this club will give me! 

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Bo Geun JUNG


Good day. My name is Jung Bo Geun, a junior in H2O Science Club for the year 2024-2025. I am interested in the contents that I would learn in this club. Although studying in the classes that would contribute to my future major is, certainly, a large component of my school life, I believe that learning in different fields even scrapping timid experiences and extra knowledge could expand my worldview which will, for sure, help me in the near future.

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Ji Sung LEE

🤩 Sophomore 🤩

Hello everyone, my name is Ji Sung, and I am a sophomore this year. I hope I can get a lot of valuable knowledge and skills out of this club. I was in this club last year too, and looking forward to another set of entertaining and engaging activities that we do here!

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Gyueun KIM

🥫 Sophomore 🥫

Hi, this is Gyueun, and I’m currently in 10th grade at St. Paul. I’m happy to join this H2O club this year, and I’m looking forward to doing some fun science activities here. I will spread my positive energy to this club and its members!

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Gi Yeol PARK (Kimchi)

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Sophomore ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Hi, my name is Giyeol (Kimchi), and I’m a Sophomore this year. I enjoy learning science, especially astronomy because it helps me to better understand the world beyond ours, and I just like to think about random space-related questions. I am looking forward to having a great year in this club!

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Jung Hyeok LEE (Jake)

😅 Sophomore 😅

Hi, my name is Jake in grade 10. My favorite subject in school is math and my favorite movie is The Martian. I am looking forward to having fun experiences and memories from the H2O club. I am so excited to experiment with my friends in H2O!

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Seojun PARK

🦖 Sophomore 🦖

Hello, my name is Seojun, and I am a sophomore this year. My favorite subject in school is science, especially chemistry. I am looking forward to having a great year and having valuable memories in the H2O club. I am excited to experiment with new friends in the H2O.

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