Meet our members
Seoyeon LEE (Scarlett)
😎 Senior 😎
Hi! My name is Seoyeon, and I go by Scarlett. I am a senior now, and I am one of the leaders of H2O for the school year 2024-2025. This is my third year being part of this club, and I initially joined because I enjoy chemistry, biology, and conducting scientific experiments. H2O club helps me achieve those interests by giving me an opportunity to actually try out experiments related to those fields, as well as writing research articles and lab reports that can be used to further analyze the experiments that we have done. I hope to make many more memories in this club and widen my knowledge of science!
Jiwoo LEE
☁️ Senior ☁️
Hi! My name is Jiwoo, and I am one of the leaders of H2O Science Club 24-25.
I am currently a senior, and this is my second year sharing valuable experiences with amazing members. In addition to conducting intense researches and experiments, I hope I can provide members opportunities to investigate their genuine passion toward science. My favorite fields of science are computer science and physics since they simplify real world into a system of algorithms.
I hope to share my interests and widen knowledge by cooperating and spending meaningful time with our members this year in H2O Club!